Well child appointments are both necessary and crucial every year for each patient. We know your schedules are busy, so we can easily make these appointments well in advance. This way, you have freedom and flexibility to pick a time that works best for your family.
Phone Calls:
Ally, Susan, and Marguerite will be available to handle your calls during normal office hours, and if it’s of urgent nature, they will alert me right away. If it’s not an urgent situation, I will typically return your call in between my patients before the end of the day. If you would like to speak with me sooner, please feel free to call back.
After Hours:
After our normal office hours, I am available to address any urgent questions through our answering service via our office number. You can have me paged 781-235-KIDS (5437) and leave a message with the answering service. If you don’t hear from me within 30 minutes, please call back.
As always, if it is an emergency or a problem that cannot wait until I am able to return your phone call, please go to the emergency room without hesitation/use your best judgement.
Specialist Visits and Referrals:
It is always in the best interest of your child for me to evaluate them before going to see a specialist. This way, I can determine the best, most appropriate specialist you should see and the best time frame to be seen by the specialist. This will also save you a lot of runaround, headache and additional researching of specialists in the area. Insurance carriers also stipulate that I evaluate the medical issues prior to making a specialist referral.
Note: Different insurance policies have specific referral requirements. Please know your insurers preferences so we can make your referral recommendations accordingly.
Insurance and Billing:
We accept most insurance carriers. Please call Vickie at our billing company for any questions at (978)362-0071. She will be happy to help you.